
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Harry Potter Cockroach Clusters

Harry Potter Cockroach Clusters Recipe

1 cup semi sweet chocolate chips
1 cup peanut butter chips
2 cup dry roasted peanuts

Melt the chocolate chips and peanut butter chips in microwave for 30 seconds. Stir and repeat until melted and smooth. Add peanuts and mix until well coated. Spoon tablespoon sized clumps onto wax paper and chill.

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  1. Ack! I"m supposed to make this for a party tonight and just saw that it said peanut butter chips - not peanut butter! i don't have a way of getting to the store to fix it, can I use peanut butter successfully? how much should I use?

    1. I'm sure I'm too late in responding, since it's almost midnight, but...i actually haven't tried it with peanut butter, but i have made no bake cookies that used peanut butter, chocolate chips & chex it probably would work. If you notice it is really runny, try adding more peanuts or even throw in some cereal? Let me knew how it works out!
