
Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Valentine Printables

Time is flying...and to think the Valentine's Day preparations are beginning!
 I am determined to be on top of things this of many new year resolutions.

So here is a simple Valentine's Day Printable for you:

Click on the image to download the free Valentine Printable.

The download comes with two pages, one as Valentines (with the the "to & from")
and one as Valentine Tags.

For more Valentine's Day ideas check: here.

Linked to these Parties: Here
Check out all the projects they have to share.


  1. Super cute printables! Found you on Lil' Luna's link party and I'd love for you to come link this up at my Tuesday Time Out that is still open! I love it!

    Reasons To Skip The Housework

  2. Oh my gosh! You combined two of my favorites right now--chevron and bunting! So cute.

  3. Cute printable, saw you at the link party. New follower, hope you'll check my blog out at
    I have a link party that follows my Tuesday Trivia, join with us.
    Wanda Ann @ Memories by the Mile

  4. So cute! I featured these on my blog today! I have a button on the left, if you'd like to add it-don't have to, but its available if you want it!
