
Saturday, January 12, 2013

Harry Potter Mystery Dinner Party Invitations

For the Harry Potter Mystery Dinner Party I had two rounds of invitations.

The first set, was delivered as an Owl Post invitation.  
This invite was general, inviting them to a Murder Mystery Dinner with the Date and Time and asking for a quick RSVP.

Then once I received their RSVP they were sent an official Murder Mystery Dinner Invitation.
This had their new "Identity", or character,  for the party.  
It also instructed them on their part, costume suggestions, and where to find more information about their role.
Inside this invitation was an Insert with instructions on their arrival, a Hogwarts Express Ticket, Polyjuice Potion, and some Fingernail Clippings or Ear Wax of the Identity/Character they were to become.

Here are the Printable Invitations & Instructions.

For the first set of invitations, 
Download Harry Potter Murder Mystery Dinner Owl Post Invites: Here 
1. Just add your information in the blanks.
Then Print (both sides), cut, and seal.

2. Two owl pictures are also included.
Cut them out, glue to balloon with string.
Attach the invite to the end of the string
And deliver!

For the second set of invitations.
Download Harry Potter Murder Mystery Dinner Character Invitations: Here 
1. Add their name to the outside.
2. Print (both sides) invite, ticket, insert, etc.
3. Cut and assemble

For More ideas, Printables & Tutorials and the Murder Mystery Script
Check the original post: 

And for our first Harry Potter Party with tons of printables, recipes, and much more look: here


  1. Thanks for these amazing resources! I have a question. I am trying to put my own information for my party on the first invitations but nothing will let me edit them. Any ideas on how to do that?

    1. The invitations are saved as a JPEG file, so you need to use a computer program that allows you to open the picture then add text over it. That is the easiest way. But I have had a few tell me that they don't have a computer program that does that, so they have also just printed the invitation blank, then created the text in Microsoft Word or in Pages, and put the printed page back through their printer to print the text portion on top of it.

      I hope either of those ideas helps you. (You can also look online for free programs to download that will allow you to edit the picture and add text...if you don't have any currently)


  2. Your awesome! Thanks soo much for sharing these resources and printables. I am doing a Harry Potter party for my daughters 11th birthday. I am a full time student(17 units), I work, and have a 4 year old, so I have little time to pull off this party that my daughter has been dreaming of all summer. You provided things I have spend hours trying to find. THANKS so much from a mom that can use all the help possible.

  3. The second paragraph of the character invitations seems to have a typo "at had", instead of "at hand" maybe? Can you correct this?

  4. Love your great ideas! Can you tell me which two scripts are used on the mystery dinner invitation?

  5. I am trying to print out the Platform 9 3/4 tickets, but am having a hard time finding them on the site. Could you please link the URL? Thanks!

  6. When I download it won't let me make any changes. Please help!

  7. what do you use for fingernail clippings, earwax and polyjuice potion?

  8. It only downloads as a PDF - do you have a Word Document?

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Hiya, is there any chance you could email me the pdfs? I'm having trouble downloading them! Such an amazing resource though thank you so much!

  11. Hi :) just wondering if you ever did up any character invitations for Argus Filch and Mrs Weasley? if so would you be able to send the to me.
    so excited to use your script :) Thank you

  12. The files aren't available for download anymore--is there a way I can get a hold of them?

  13. Hi there! I tried downloading the invitations but an error occurs. Were they moved or are they still available?

  14. I d love to know whats up with the character invitations? i wanted to throw the party this week but i cant get hold of them, where they moved? If any of u could send me an email to , i would be so thankfull!!!

  15. You can find all the documents now, here:

    1. Thank you so much for posting! Huge help!

  16. Hello we are trying to host this murder mystery in a couple of days time we have put all of the prep into it and have gone to download the Parchment set 2, set 3 and evidence and are unable to could you please send us the files ASAP (
    Thank you very much

  17. not able to view or download your script....can you email it to me at thank you
