
Sunday, May 19, 2013

How to Patch Jeans

Patching Jeans is easy. You don't have to have any great sewing skills either.

My two little boys & somehow my husband all get holes in their jeans. These jeans got this hole in less than three days!  I wasn't thrilled. And they are even nice thick quality.
So instead of constantly buying more jeans, I patch them up. 
It is fast... about five minutes and easy.

To patch jeans you need a scrap of Jean material large enough to cover the hole AND the "weak" area around the hole.

Also, thread to match the jeans you are stitching on. (my thread looks white in these pictures, but it is a matching denim color)

Cut the appropriate size of jean scrap & place it underneath the hole, on the inside of the jeans.

Pin to secure.
(If jeans are stretchy, pin extra well.)

Using sewing machine. Sew forward and backwards (reverse) over and over until all areas of the hole are covered.

Your stitching should cover more than just the hole.  Stitch past it on all sides, because the area around the hole is weak and prone to ripping.

As you can see the stitching is far from perfect, but it really doesn't matter.
When I looked at my name brand jeans that come with "patched holes" their stitching is also imperfect.

*These jeans were little boy super skinny jeans,
so fitting it into the sewing machine was a HUGE struggle.
I had to scrunch it really tight, so you can see a better example of proper stitching on the bottom jeans pictured.  I had a little more room to work with those than the first.

So in the future try patching your jeans.  It saves money...and the lifespan of the jeans.
With little boys, it has saved me so much.  And the patches last as I pass the jeans down.


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