
Saturday, February 9, 2013

Budgeting 101 Series: Monthly Groceries & Household Items 300 Dollars

Want to Learn how to Spend Less Each Month?
Want some budgeting tips or ideas to save less and get better deals?
I always do and hopefully all the work I have done to get my budget down,
will help you in some way.

So through a series of posts I will walk you through our family budget and the little tips and tricks we use to save us money.

Monthly Groceries & Household Items $300 a month
This budget includes Food, Cleaning Supplies, Diapers & Wipes, Beauty Supplies, etc.

And let me begin by saying, we live a fulfilling and enjoyable life and we don’t go without much.
We are a family of 4. (One in diapers.)
We cook normal food, &  we do “spurge” in some areas : 
I only use butter, we like to use  fresh produce and Chia and Quinoa in my cooking. 

No, I'm not a fancy Couponer. 
I use some coupons (a few each shopping trip) but I am not a fancy couponer and 
I DO NOT base my monthly costs by them.

So How Do We Do This?
Here is a simple overview of what I do each month.  In the proceeding posts I will go into detail about each of these areas and how to make the most of your budget and ultimately your money.

1.     Routine and A Plan 
By planning my meals out, I know what to buy & how much, we don’t waste as much and we don’t
“convenience cook or shop”
I know my meals, so I know what to stock up on when it’s on sale.

2.     Shop twice a month
Less trips means less extra spending.  It’s surprising how the little extras add up. 
It also means you use up what you buy, less waste.

3.     I price match

4.     Where do I shop: 
       We shop at primarily at Walmart & Winco

5.     We buy store brand on most items.
(Yes, there are some things I only like name brand, but most options I find are almost as good.  
In fact I recently converted to Great Value Oreos…they are almost an exact match.  It’s worth a try!)

6.     Stick to the Shopping List
Shop quick and to your list, the longer you stroll the isles the more things you feel you “need.”

7.     We don’t eat expensive foods.
I don’t buy fancy cheese, or fancy organic meat.  
  (But I don’t  buy cheap cuts either)

8.     We cut back on junk food.
It adds up the cost fast and the calories. I wish I could say we don’t eat junk food, but we do.  
We just eat less.  I buy them on sale, many have coupons, and again using store brand. 
I don’t use them in lunches.  We use a few boxes of crackers and few bags of chips a month.  
My kids eat animal crackers, gold fish, and pretzels for extra

9.     Cosmetics and Beauty:
I buy drug store brand make up, hair products, etc.  Some are store brand.

10. Baby Products and Diapers: 
      I buy store brand,  unless there is a better sale, but usually the store brand still wins. 
       (Amazon can have some great diaper deasl)
Formula?  Well, I mainly nurse by babies,  (It saves TONS of money) but I use formula for a back 
up and some conveniences…I sign up for Enfamil, Similac, etc. samples and they also send lots of coupons. 
  I also buy store brand as well.  

Keep Checking back for the rest of the Budgeting 101 Series 
for more ideas and ways to save money!


  1. Thank you for sharing this!

  2. I am always looking for a way to save money at the grocery store, whether it is couponing, or just purchasing sale items. I just discovered a local grocery store with the best prices around, the only problem is that they do not provide bags to take your groceries out of the store in. After browsing online I found a folding shopping cart, which helps me a great deal in transporting the groceries from the store to my car. Has anyone else found a store like this?

  3. Thanks for sharing! One of the things I have been trying to do, is to get some extra cash to pay some of my bills. One of the things my husband and I are trying to save money on is groceries, so this will help some. I also got some structured settlement loans, and I think that will help too. Thanks again!
